B3 is brought to you by the team that has produced some of the most successful and exciting enrichment programs available today.
B3 classes focus on the important skills for STEAM. While there are lots of other companies offering “STEAM” classes and programs, not all of them “get it” when it comes to the skills that 21st century learners need.
B3 Preschool
Our background in education and a curriculum grounded in early childhood education theory means Bricks Bots & Beakers classes for preschoolers get kids truly thinking and problem solving. BRICKS classes are more than just copying a picture of a simple build. Preschoolers brainstorm, create, test, and redesign age appropriate projects. BOTS classes incorporate age appropriate coding. BEAKERS classes take natural scientists (aka preschool children) and introduces them to: science vocabulary, developing hypotheses, making predictions, recording results and drawing conclusions. All of this happens in a curiosity driven, collaborative, small group class setting with experienced teachers who scaffold rich learning experiences.
B3 School Age
For older kids our classes and camps are structured around more in depth intensive subject matter. A class or camp will focus on a single area such as BOTS – Early Robotics, BEAKERS – Gross Out Chemistry, or BRICKS – Elementary Engineering Machines. These programs provide elementary and middle school age students with experiences and a level of engagement that is not often found in public school education.
The Buzz about B3
B3 + 4C = Ridiculously fun 21st Century Learning!
B3 classes focus on the 4C’s: Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity & Innovation.
Classes and camps are offered in three different focus areas:

Engineering and building activities for kids from age 3 through middle school. While we offer lots of classes that feature LEGO bricks our programs are not limited to LEGO materials. We explore and utilize all sorts of systems and materials to teach concepts of engineering, design and building. From step-by-step building classes for kids who like structure, to creative open-ended classes for kids who like to explore, our programs appeal to all learners.

The field of robotics and programming for children from pre-k through middle school is exploding and you can be a part of that wave! Coding comes naturally to children through the authentic, real world application of programming robots. Young brains are “wired” for language acquisition which includes technical languages as well as foreign languages.

Hands on science through Gross Out Chemistry, Elementary Entomology, Potions Lab, Forensic Mysteries and more! Science, the first word in the acronym STEAM is often overlooked by many others is our field, not at B3! We take a deep dive into this critical first piece of STEAM.